Bloodhound Training, Stories, & Humor RSS
Bloodhound + Sprinkler + Doggie Door…
You do the math. It equals DISASTER! Let me backtrack a moment and set the stage… For those of you who are new to my blog, I have seven monsters that live with me. They are my kids, known as the Nose Dragons, the Troublemakers, the Clowns, the Knuckleheads, the Gardeners, the Tree Pruners, and now, I guess I can add Sprinkler Crew and Interior Design Specialists to the list. I installed a doggie door last year, and overall, it is a great blessing. Prior to installation, seven goobers who can never coordinate who-needs-to-go-out-when were keeping me up and down...
Life with Bloodhounds, part 1 "The Little Things"
You want a bloodhound, you say? I chuckle. Let me share a story, one of a few I'll be posting here... It’s been typical winter weather for my area; sunny and beautiful but cold. After working outside most of the day, I was ready to thaw my bones and relax in a nice hot shower. The dogs were fairly quiet having played hard all evening, so I figured it was safe enough to take my eyes off them for fifteen glorious minutes. I turned the water on and let it get nice and hot. Billows of steam were rolling out...
Surviving Santa
Bloodhounds grow up fast...physically. Mentally, emotionally, and behaviorally, they are still puppies even at 130lbs and 1 year old. --Doss, my biggest fella, by all accounts looks like a mature male, but he is truly a puppy flopping around in humongous body. He's started training SAR and is already mantrailing like a boss, but most days we play and learn about the world. This is where Home Depot comes in. Now, Doss has been going to stores and such for months, and he loves it. He's brave for the most part, though cautious (as any intelligent animal most often will be), and...
Defying the Statistics...
In social media, I see a multitude of people suffering training issues and "problems" with their bloodhounds. People are so often struggling and many sound desperate. I have frustrated folks message me through my page frequently asking for help and advice. “How do I get through to this dog?!” “This dog is so stubborn!” “Impossible to train!” It’s an overwhelmingly common topic in the forums for bloodhound enthusiasts. Simultaneously, I see many posts about bloodhounds being among the most statistically difficult breeds to train… I humbly disagree. Before you start to argue, please read on… My standpoint is based on...